Beneficial and Detrimental Effects of Antioxidants Use in Sports: How is it Balanced?

Olfa Slimeni1, #, Ali Zaiter2, *, #, Patrick Chaimbault2, Reem Omar Mohamed Salih3, Andrzej Pokrywka4, Sondes Sellami5, Nicola Bragazzi6, Maha Sellami7, #
1 Laboratory of Biosurveillance of the Environment, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage, Zarzouna, 1008, Tunisia;
2 Université de Lorraine, LCP-A2MC, MetzF-57000, France;
3 University of Qatar, College of Arts and Sciences (QU-CAS), Human Nutrition Departement, Doha, Qatar;
4 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Zielona Gora, Zielona Gora, Poland;
5 Higher Institute of Sport and Physical Education of Kef, Tunisia;
6 Postgraduate School of Public Health, Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy;
7 University of Qatar, College of Arts and Sciences (QU-CAS), Sport-Science Program (SSP), Doha, Qatar

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Copyright: 2021 Bentham Science Publishers

Correspondence: Address correspondence to this author at the Université de Lorraine, LCP-A2MC, MetzF-57000, France; E-mail: All the authors have contributed equally.


This review aims to summarize the fundamental classes of antioxidants, the utilization of the supplement with antioxidants as ergogenic benefits in exercise and sport, the efficiency, and the consequence of their chronic uses. Antioxidants have been used for a long time in different sports disciplines and at all degrees of rivalry. The supplement with antioxidants anticipates muscle damage by reducing immune dysfunction, inflammation, and fatigue syndrome for athletes. Subsequently, antioxidant supplementation will improve the physical performances and health of athletes. Polyphenol compounds as incredible antioxidants that are abundant in numerous plants. The consumption of antioxidants could be hazardous whenever taken in high dosages. Researchers found that overdoses may cause undesirable symptoms and might grow the risk of death.

Keywords: Vitamin, polyphenol, flavonoids, health benefits, ergogenic effect, athletes.