Preparation of Encapsulated Turmeric Extract for Food Fortification
Mehmet Emin Uslu1, Gizem Öder2, Oguz Bayraktar2, *
Article Information
Identifiers and Pagination:
Year: 2023Volume: 4
E-location ID: e280423216366
Publisher ID: e280423216366
DOI: 10.2174/2665978604666230428141551
Article History:
Received Date: 04/02/2023Revision Received Date: 05/03/2023
Acceptance Date: 15/03/2023
Electronic publication date: 09/08/2023
Cross-linked alginate beads containing turmeric extract were produced using the electrospraying method to achieve the release of bioactive compounds in a sustained manner.
An aqueous alginate solution containing turmeric extract was electrosprayed into an aqueous phase containing a cross-linking agent (calcium chloride) at different process variables (alginate concentrations, flow rates and voltages). Then, particle size and distribution were investigated with an optical microscope.
Prepared alginate beads with 1 wt % alginate concentration, 20 kV and 1 ml/h exhibited the desired beads with turmeric extract content. Alginate beads containing turmeric extract were kept in water for 72 hours and total amount of antioxidant and total amount of phenol which was released to liquid were investigated. Afterwards, solution with alginate beads were centrifuged and dried to ob-serve structural changes. Total antioxidant activity and total phenol in the dried beads were studied. Some samples released most amount of antioxidants and phenol to the medium. Similarly, some samples kept all antioxidants and phenol.
In conclusion, electroencapsulation can be used in food applications in order to conserve the bioactivity of active compounds.